Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Early days (or half-year) wasted

Having nothing to do, really does has its perks. C'mon, time is the single most useful resource we humans have that we usually take for granted. If I can save 30 minutes that I spent on average saying bad things about my co-workers per day, I can actually make tons of money working 25 bucks per/hour at the construction site per year.

Being the brainiac, it'll be a 4562.50 dollars bonus for me per year. Plus, I get less of the sin of bad-mouthing those butt-kissers.

And on average now, I have 4-5 hours free time. Huhuh. Dude! That adds up to 41062.5 dollars bonus per year. Shit, we humans are rich, we just don't know it. Of course except for Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, Michael Dell and the likes.

The early days of being jobless will definitely hit anybody with nothing. Literally nothing. Becoz we humans are not trained to change our routine from multi-tasking to nothing. The effect is more severe, because, then our minds will start to wander to neverness more often, we'll start noticing the cool movies that we always wanted to watch but didn't have the time and actually watch them, during working hours!

And the talks at the bars and pools will be of entertainment, booze, girls and how to make it big. We'll have time to actually spend our money. To go for whatever our dreams was. To break the high scores of the Yahoo! Games. Go on a vacation and not care about the world. Whoa! That is cool...

For the moment, it'll be cool. But shit! Look at the date, it's been 6 months now and I'm already full of cholesterol and carbohydrates. I'm about to bust the record for 'longest playing online games' and 'longest nobody from the office called', and the 75 cable tv channels boasts nothing new to me.

The perks are too good that we end up soaking ourselves in it. It's like heaven on earth with a twist of hell. Don't be fooled by the devil that makes it all look cozy and nice.

I really do sound like a saint but hell, I started to look for part-time jobs. Hehhe, wouldn't mind to actually earn the bonus I calculated, 41062.5 dollars per year and actually get my ankles moving.

Woho! Big future ahead!


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