Sunday, March 22, 2009


Root of all evil. Makes a lot of wishes comes true. Brings out the best in you.

Whatever is it about money, my sole purpose about finding my part-time job is money. It's the first thing that all of us take for granted besides parents, our initial education and our government etc. etc.

Origin of money dates back from hell-I-dunno-how-many-thousand-AD. People suddenly figured out it's best that there's a medium to represent the intrinsic values of properties rather than just barter blindly. It doesn't take a genius to invent nor spent money, but it does take a genius when it comes to getting it and keeping it.

Personally, I think that money is actually public enemy number one. That's right, numera uno. Because besides the wishes come true part, money instills greed in the hearts of mankind. Unfornately the best way to combat it, is to have lots of it, which might make the owner even greedier. That's the paradox that we're living in. Imagine how many billion people are in the rat race. All working and inching towards our way out. That's why game shows that offer substantial rewards are very popular amongst us. It's our way out. But are any of us actually going out? (Out doesn't mean death, okay) Most of us aren't.

Plus, in the early days, I meant waaaaay early (neanderthal times/ice age/stone age), do you know who owned that beachfront land? Or who owns that land where there's oil sitting beneath it? The copper/gold/diamond/steel in the mines of this earth? (Hint: Answer start with 'G'. And atheists' cannot answer this question. No offence intended)

All of a sudden some pirate named 'Human/Government' claimed it in their name. Luckily nobody claimed the air we breath in, I wouldn't want to pay for oxygen. All of us will be broke.

Being an idea of value or like some of us might say "just a piece of paper", money is a necessity to us all in this age. To break this monetary system that has been in our human lives way before any of us are born (unless your're an immortal like John Hancock and his hot female duo), is a colossal feat. It's just not possible, lalala la laaa.

However it remains a fact that IF (that's a big if) all of us (and I mean everybody) shared our money together amongst all of us, each person on this planet will have 2 million bucks each!!? We don't have to work no more. None of us should, we should do what we want to for our life, pursue our dreams and live happily ever after.

So, essentially we're rich, but the capitalists stole it for themselves.

Because the 20:80 rule (20% of the world population having 80% of the worlds wealth) which suprisingly can be applied to a whole load of other things in life (it's like the unwritten code of reality), money doesn't bring justice to its existance. The rich gets richer and the poor, poorer. Then revolutions come like the French and a new system starts, still based on money and still the problems persists.

I hate money, but I love to have lots of it. I'm insane, deluded, misguided and blinded, but, so are the majority of the population on the planet Earth!

So to me, the most respected people are the people that actually have loads of money and give them back to charity. Bill Gates one them, Rockefeller another and countless other rich people in our history that does give back to the community.

Although I havent seen any billionaire/millionaire who gave everything they have to charity (which should be truly respected, and I dare you Billionaires/Millionares!); It just means we're all bloody screwed and most propably wake up doing our routine job tomorrow morning.

You all do that; I'm gonna go find my legendary-work-from-home-part-time-job that can really be done part time and make more money!

I'm a sucker for a capitalist! Yeah!
